6 mistakes to avoid in natural referencing

6 mistakes to avoid in natural referencing

SEO is essential for a website, regardless of its purpose. Indeed, it determines the visibility of the online platform. This will allow you to widen your audience and improve your image or increase your sales. However, you must avoid certain mistakes to ensure the effectiveness of the process.

You can even be excluded from search results if you break the SEO rules.

Zoom on 6 mistakes during your natural referencing

Not knowing the basics is the biggest mistake to avoid in SEO. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is not just about filling your site with specific keywords. Moreover, such an initiative often leads to a Google sanction for keyword stuffing.

You risk being left out of the results pages. You can nevertheless prevent penalties by working with an SEO agency.

On the other hand, Google regularly provides SEO tips. The idea is to continuously improve the relevance of the results and the user experience. In this evolving environment, the intervention of experts allows you to be up to date on the authorized and recommended methods in this area.

In addition, Google does not hesitate to punish sites that try to deceive its robots or its users.

Do not audit

As soon as a website is created for a startup or any other company, thesemantic audit is an essential step to produce and structure the content. This procedure allows you to identify your target keywords and expressions in an exhaustive way. These are the most common requests of Internet users concerning your specialty or your sector of activity.

Once the semantic field is identified, the optimization will have to be focused on improving your ranking on these searches. The audit is therefore decisive for thearchitecture and content strategy of your site. Without this preparatory phase, your platform will inevitably lack consistency.

This feature will penalize your SEO.

The wrong choice of keywords

You must choose your keywords wisely to make your site rise in the SERPs (search results pages). After the audit, you are supposed to know the queries related to your business. You should however avoid using keywords that are too generic and are probably already associated with more reputable sites.

In this case, you risk to disappear behind your competitors.

On the other hand, avoid keywords that are not directly related to your offer or your business sector. You risk generating unqualified traffic this time. However, conversion remains the main interest of SEO.

It is also important to indicate the target geographical area through local keywords. You will be able to reinforce your targeting strategy.

Duplicate content

Duplicate content is the worst a mistake to avoid in SEO. Google is particularly strict on this subject. It therefore removes from the SERPs any site that reproduces the content. Other search engines also prohibit duplicate content, but they are less responsive.

It is indeed plagiarism.

Beyond the legal problems, duplicate content affects the attractiveness and reputation of a site. Social networks are also conducive to bad buzz on the subject. Therefore, it is strongly discouraged to use the content of competitors.

Various tools allow to trace the origin of any duplicated element.

Do not netlink

Netlinking is essential for improve the reputation of a site. Your visibility will actually increase thanks to the traffic generated by the hyperlinks leading to your platform. However, you must be careful about the quality of these redirects or risk being downgraded in the SERPs.

The principle in this matter is simple. Google punishes sites that act fraudulently to attract users. Conversely, links from well-referenced platforms will improve your online reputation. It is also important to regularly update backlinks to avoid inconveniences due to dead links.

Do not do internal linking

Internal linking allows you to show visitors the extent of your expertise or your universe. It consists essentially in placing in your articles links to other pages of your platform. However, you should avoid filling the site with internal links.

This practice is clumsy and somewhat self-centered.

On the other hand, too many links can make reading difficult. It is therefore important to make an internal linkage and moderating the quantity of links. You must also focus on consistency and redirect the reader to pages with interesting additional information.

Zoom in on 7 mistakes in your SEO

Forget the UX

The user experience (UX) is impacted by each error to avoid in natural referencing. Therefore, you will succeed in gaining places in the SERPs, if you prioritize UX. Google has developed its different SEO rules thinking above all about the user experience.

In the details, you must take care of the structure, the aesthetics, the content and the speed of your site. The navigation will be more fluid and more pleasant for the visitors. Under these conditions, you will naturally increase your traffic and your conversion rate.

This situation will eventually improve your ranking in the results pages of Google and other search engines.

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