5 good practices for a successful e-mailing campaign

5 best practices for a successful e-mailing campaign

If you decide to use e-mailing, whether it’s to promote yourself or to build customer loyalty, there are some basics to follow. If your e-mail campaign is well designed, you will get better results. Here are some good tips to do so.

Segment your database for an SMS marketing campaign’successful e-mailing

Your database contains many contacts that it is important to differentiate. Your e-mail will not be the same for a loyal customer as for a potential future customer. This segmentation will allow you to target your emails, but also to personalize them according to the impact you want them to have and the data of your interlocutors.

It may take some time, but you will get better results.

Respect the graphic charter of your brand

To be easily recognizable, your e-mails must use your company’s color and graphic codes. Like all marketing channels, e-mailing must be consistent with your brand image but also with the other campaigns you manage for your company.

Loyal customers will immediately recognize your e-mails and those you want to prospect will be more receptive if they directly recognize the brand that contacts them. If you emphasize your uniqueness through your graphic charter, prospects will remember you more.

Take care of the call to action in an emailing

The call to action incites the reader to perform an action (click on a link, download a PDF, fill in a form, etc.). Here are some characteristics to respect:

  • choose a strategic place, the best being at the beginning of the message so that the reader does not have to go to the bottom of the page to access it;
  • Study its design and its color in order to attract the eye of your interlocutor: the call to action must be different from the rest of your e-mailing without being too far from your graphic charter;
  • Clearly state what you want the reader to do through the text of this call-to-action.

The call to action will give you an idea of the rate of engagement of your audience.

Think about the readability of the e-mail on all the supports

It is important that your e-mail has a good readability, whether it is on a computer or a smartphone. Indeed, many people read their e-mails on their telephone, so it is essential that your message is perfectly readable on this type of terminal.

If the message is not displayed correctly, the reader will not bother to read your e-mail. Think about optimizing your images correctly, for example, so that your interlocutor does not give up reading and you do not lose a potential customer.

Think carefully about the subject of the email

The subject of your e-mail is as important as its content. If it doesn’t grab your reader’s attention, it may not be read.

  • Use keywords that will encourage your interlocutor to open the email.
  • Avoid too “sensational” catchphrases, for example, “the content of this e-mail is incredible ! “
  • Use a limited number of characters so that the message appears entirely on the home page of your recipient’s e-mails.
  • Test your object with the A-B testing method (comparison of two different objects) to determine which object is the most efficient.

As you can see, a good e-mailing campaign includes several points that are important to respect. The time you will have invested to set it up is negligible compared to the results it can bring you. So don’t ignore it !

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