The Expertcyber label What is it modern geek
The Expertcyber label: that What is it East ? THE Expertcyber label is a guarantor of the expertise of professionals working in the field of digital security….
How to activate notifications on snapchat the modern geek
How to activate notifications on snapchat ? Notifications are essential for vonditional snapchat. Indeed, they allow you to constantly follow the latest news from the network (photos,…
Business boom in marketplaces
Business: boom in marke tplaces I’trade universe has experienced significant transformations for several years resulting in mass digitalization. Thus, e-commerce has appeared, and today’Hui we are witnessing…
7 Tips to follow for the creation of An impactful logo for your company
7 tips to follow for the creation of’an impactful logo for your company The design of a logo may seem easy. However, the operation is delicate for…
Mobile gambling towards a revolution in online casinos
Games of’money on mobile: towards a revolution of online casinos ? Over the years, digital and cell phone solutions have become increasingly popular’The number of online casinos…
How to send an anonymous SMS
How to send an anonymous SMS When you send a text message, the phone number appears automatically. However, for many reasons, some people want to send an…
How to fix your phone if it has been hacked
How to fix your phone if it’s been hacked ? Phones are increasingly becoming victims of malicious hacker attacks. Usually, software is installed on it and hijacks…
How to promote your business with Le Geek Moderne POP
How to promote your business with POP ? A point-of-sale display (POS) is actually a support in which products are displayed near, next to or on a…
Euresa System mandatory professional liability insurance for self-employed contractors
Professional liability insurance for self-employed entrepreneurs: mandatory ? To protect his activity, an autoentrepreneur (also called microentrepreneur) can contract different insurances. The professional liability insurance (RC pro)…
Chatbots great revolution in the marketing of the element despised by consumers
Chatbots: the big revolution in marketing’It seemed, to strategy makers, to be the element that consumers despised In recent times, as the’artificial intelligence As new technologies became…